Against Child Abuse Limited
About Against Child Abuse Limited
We believe that children's survival, protection and development should be given priority, their views should be heard and given due weight. In the application of these principles, children of every race, creed and color should be given equal treatment.
To promote a caring and non-violent environment for the optimal growth and development of our children.
To equip and establish ourselves as the leading non-government organization in the East Asia region providing quality child protection programmes of both remedial and preventive in nature.
「喜、怒、哀、樂」乃人之常情,但年紀小小的孩子又是否懂得表達自己的情緒?學校的課程很少提供情緒表達課,老師也未必掌握教導學生表達情緒的技巧。 因此,「家」往往是孩子第一個學習情緒的場所,父母亦自然地擔當了一個教導孩子處理情緒的重要角色。作為父母,我們如何能成為孩子的情緒教練?根據美國心理學教授約翰‧高特曼博士的研究,建議家長可以透過以下五個步驟,培育出高情緒智商的孩子﹕
- 察覺及關注孩子的情緒
- 將孩子的情感表達視為親密相處及教導孩子的機會
- 以同理心傾聽和肯定孩子的感受
- 協助孩子利用合適的詞語表達情緒
- 設定規限,協助孩子尋找解決問題的方法
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